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, total pages 41.
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- Instances of epistemological confusion between academic and ecclesiastical theological edification
- The true science
- The spiritual path in the theology of the Eastern Church
- A study of Maximus the Confessor: The dialectical contradiction of freedom and necessity
- Philosophy of physics and philosophy of religion
- The St. Nikodemus of the Holy Mountain and his relation with science
- Political and social developments in Europe and in the East and the stance of St. Athanasius of Paros
- The Orthodox bioetics and the recombinant DNA technologies
- St. Athanasius of Paros and Apostolos Makrakis: Similarities and differences
- St. Gregory Palamas in the writings and the teaching of St. Athanasius of Paros
- The problem of atheism according to St. Athanasius of Paros
- Neophytos Kaphsokalyvites (1713-1784?) and the Kollyvades movement
- Religiosity and psychopathology
- The Kollyvades Movement and its significance
- St. Gregory Palamas and our times
- History between time end eternity
- The advance towards human perfection according to St. Gregory Palamas
- Evolution or creation
- The Sacrament of the Unction of the sick
- Regnum Hominis (Francis Bacon's Imperial project)
- Historical development of the service for the Unction of the sick
- Christian faith and logic
- Transplantations and brain death
- Theological searching of aircraft designer I.I. Sikorsky
- The absurdity of astrology
- The star of the Nativity in the Patristic literature
- Warranted standards of truth
- Basics of the Christian view of creation
- The Dehumanization of Man
- Christianity and religion