Religiosity and psychopathology

  1. Lemma
  2. Религиозность и психопатология
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis
  6. 2012
  7. Кондратьев Федор [Author]. Religiosity and psychopathology
  8. Российский психиатрический журнал
  9. psychiatry and Christianity
    1. The article is based on the author’s scientific investigations and his field experience in psychiatry, including work with the leaders and adepts of religious denominations and sects. Religiosity is indicated in the article as a human natural sense, a real feeling inherent to a human being.

      F.V. Kondratiev considers man to be a unity of spirit, soul and body, and religiosity is inherent to a man as a spiritual being. At the same time, according to Kondratiev, psychopathology may distort, extinguish and imitate manifestations of natural religiosity.

      New religious doctrines, reformations and trends may have various reasons to appear, claims the author. Thus new sects can be forms of “intellective straying” of ambitious and not properly educated people trying to find their own explanations to their natural religious feeling. New religious doctrines may be a venture of sordid “visionaries.” In addition to the latter, grotesque forms of religiosity may be a product of sick personal disorder (e.g. individuals with verified diagnosis of schizophrenia among sectarians). In this case the author reveals tthe pathological character contrasted to the normal psychological state of a man.