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Found 1204 results , total pages 41.
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List of search results:
  1. The magic of the brain and the maze of life
  2. Orthodox worldview and modern science
  3. Nature Studies
  4. The science on the world creation
  5. Two cosmogonies. Evolutionary Theory in the Light of Patristic Doctrine and Creation Science Arguments
  6. The emergence of the world: modern science and patristic exegesis
  7. Does science alone seek and find truth?
  8. Science and religion are two ways of cognition which allow a more comprehensive perception of the world
  9. Is evolutionism supported by scientific evidence?
  10. Spirituality-Related Policies: on Religion, Values and Education
  11. Being as communion: Studies in personhood and the church
  12. Science and Christianity: change is coming?
  13. Science believed in a miracle
  14. Faith and scientific knowledge
  15. Science and sausage
  16. Fundamental science and Orthodox Church
  17. Math: science
  18. Science, philosophy, religion - a dialogue
  19. Religion and science
  20. Orthodox path nowadays
  21. Christianity created science
  22. Time and eternity in Christian cosmology
  23. Systems Biology between Evolution and Intelligent Design
  24. Church and natural science pictures of the world: problems of reception
  25. Problems of theological interpretation of Hexameron
  26. Facing the mystery of the universe: patristic theology and modern apologetics
  27. An overview of some of the new paleo-anthropological discoveries in the context of science and biblical apologetics
  28. Religion, Culture, Orthodoxy
  29. Creation – Evolution – Intelligent Design, or: The End of a Discussion in Defense of Philosophy
  30. The Orthodox Tradition and the European Identity of Modern Bulgarian Society – from Uncritical Apologetics to a Realistic Assessment of Advantages and Disadvantages