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Found 1183 results (contain 1125 manifestations ) , total pages 40.
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List of search results:
  1. The lost dignity in "good death" and the sterility of "surrogacy"
  2. Патриарх Вартоломей. The impact of the climate changes on the global and the regional politics
  3. Malevitsis, Christos. Τα τρία ἐπίπεδα τοῦ πολιτισμοῦ
  4. Susnjic, Djuro. Religion II. 259–271, Religion and Science: Collection of Superfluous Outrages
  5. Striven with the Infinite. Philosophical and religious aspects of the George Cantor set theory genesis
  6. Milankovic, Milutin. Canon of Insolation
  7. Petrovic, Aleksandar. Serbs 1903–1914, History of Ideas. 450–465, Milutin Milankovic
  8. Arinin Evgeny. Science & Religion In Russian Post-Soviet Context
  9. Arinin Evgeny. Religion and Science in Russia: Religious Studies
  10. Arinin Evgeny. Religion, Theology and Science in Russia
  11. Arinin Evgeny. Essence of Organic Life In Russian Orthodox and Modern Philosophical Tradition: Beyond Functionalism and Elementarism
  12. Καραφύλης Γρηγόριος. Θρησκεία κι επιστήμη
  13. Makrides, Vasilios. Η επιστημονική θεωρία ως απλή υπόθεση: θρησκευτική πολεμική εναντίον των επιστημονικών ιδεών
  14. Makrides, Vasilios. Theory of Evolution and Orthodoxy in Greece: Contemporary Concordist Attempts from a Critical Perspective
  15. Николай, Пловдивски митрополит. Обръщение относно дискусията за ГМО към клира и миряните на Пловдивска епархия
  16. Milosev, S. Dragisa. Science and Bible: the Pulse of Planet Earth. 71–87, Bible and ecology
  17. Левит, Инга. Креационизм в картине российского образования
  18. Bairactaris Fr. Augoustinos. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
  19. Brannan Daniel K. Darwinism and Original Sin: Frederick R. Tennant’s analysis of the Church Fathers’ understanding of Original Sin and an exegesis of St. Paul
  20. Garrard, John. Russian Orthodoxy Resurgent: Faith and Power in the New Russia
  21. Father Gleb Kaleda. Bible and science on world creation (An essay of the Genesis scientific exegesis)
  22. Petrovic, Aleksandar. Happiness. 61–71, About the Setting Sun and Friends of Eidos
  23. Стефанов, Ангел. The intelligent designer
  24. Andreyev Ivan. Orthodox apologetic theology
  25. Breck John. Orthodox bioethics in the encounter between science and religion
  26. Breck John. Stages on Life's Way: Orthodox Thinking on Bioethics
  27. Breck John. Stages on Life's Way: Orthodox Thinking on Bioethics
  28. Breck John. The Sacred Gift of Life: Orthodox Christianity and Bioethics
  29. Breck John. God in a Quantum Work
  30. Breck John. The Euthanasia Debate