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Found 1183 results (contain 1125 manifestations ) , total pages 40.
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List of search results:
  1. Breck John. In the Image of God: the Perils of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  2. Breck John. Bioethical Challenges in a Post-Modern World
  3. Breck John. Orthodox Anthropology : Implications For Human Stem Cell Research And Cloning
  4. Друмева, Маргарита. The sound of silence and the movement of light
  5. Djordjevic, Radomir. Religion and epistemology. 45–50
  6. Mijatovic, Nada. 15 Questions to professor Vladeta Jerotic, neuropsychiatrist
  7. Йорданова, Галя Вълчева. Faith and knowledge: contemporary challenges
  8. Jeftic, Andrej. Can we believe in God and have faith in the theory of evolution?
  9. Шафаревич Игорь Ростиславович. On some trends of math development
  10. Zecevic, Aleksandar. Truth, Beauty and the Limits of Knowledge: A Path from Science to Religion
  11. Tucic, Nikola. Antievolutionary Programme of the Christian Fundamentalists. 59–70
  12. Subotic, Oliver. Will (and Can) Machines Replace Humans?
  13. Protic, Aleksandar. Serbs 1903–1914, History of Ideas. 647–661, Nikola Tesla
  14. Malnik, Ljubo. On the Scientific and the Religious. 40–51
  15. Hristov, Kliment. Orthodox Church’s role in the Bulgarian society and religious education and training of young people
  16. Иванова, Мария. The religious symbol in the psychological theory of Carl G. Jung
  17. Епископ Василий Родзянко. The theory of the Universe decay and the Fathers' faith
  18. Brussels expert speaking 8 languages chooses religious habit
  19. Subotic, Oliver. Place and Role of the Church in Information Society Development
  20. The question of extraterrestrial intelligence - the Christian view
  21. Begzos, Marios. Eastern morality and Western technique: Issues on natural philosophy of religion
  22. Begzos, Marios. Religion and dualism in modern natural philosophy: Metaphysical motives in the philosophy of religion of modern physics
  23. Begzos, Marios. The ecclesiasm of Hellenism
  24. Begzos, Marios. The reception of the Enlightenment in Greece
  25. Ware, (Metropolitan) Kallistos. The spiritual struggle in the modern world
  26. Symeon de la Jara. Sober intoxication
  27. Betsakos, Vasileios. Perpetual rest: The renovation of the Aristotelian movement in the theology of Maximus the Confessor
  28. Fragkos, Vasilis. The Greek philosophy of the person
  29. Malevitsis, Christos. On creation
  30. Malevitsis, Christos. The good and the evil III: The world which is devoid of traces