Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета. Серия 4: Педагогика. Психология.
- Periodic publication
- Herald of the Orthodox Humanitarian University of St. Tikhon
- Orthodox Humanitarian University of St. Tikhon (Moscow)
- Series 4. Pedagogic. Psychology.
- audio
- Audio carriers - audio cartridge
Lemmas of periodic publication
- The Importance of Theology for Modern Education
- Scientific and Educational Activity of Russian Monasteries of the ХIХ-ХХth Centuries: Contribution to Russian and World Culture
- Orthodoxy in Russian school: a difficult path of return.
- Problems of the Orthodox culture school teaching methods from the aspect of State-Church relations.
- The Discipline of Scientific Apologetics: A General Review
- Orthodox education in modern Russia: content and structure.
- Home as an educational space