Orthodoxy in Russian school: a difficult path of return.

  1. Lemma
  2. Православие в русской школе: трудный путь возвращения
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. 2010
  7. Метлик Игорь [Author]. Orthodoxy in Russian school: a difficult path of return.
  8. Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета. Серия 4: Педагогика. Психология.
  9. religious education - Orthodox culture course
    1. http://www.verav.ru/common/mpublic.php?num=780
    1. In the article the author describes and analyzes the development of state-church relations concerning the Orthodoxy study in Russian state schools over the past two decades, identifies the main stages of this interaction and highlights the problem points. According to the author, the existing experience and the accumulated potential of constructive interaction between the state and the Church in the sphere of education are often discredited. The problem appears when new official Church representatives in a dialogue with the state representatives are forced to "go around in circles" without end, in order to solve the problems that have already been solved by the former representatives.

      The author believes that the results of the Orthodox Culture teaching in Russian schools need to be summarized and worked through in details at the federal level in order to expand and develop this practice. It is necessary "to create a system of interaction in the process of all-level educational bodies, confessions, scientific and methodological centers and educational institutions, families of schoolchildren, that exists in many European and other countries."

      I.V. Metlik points out the need to solve the following main problems: adequate financing of Orthodox education in Russian secondary and higher schools at the federal level, creation of a system of Orthodox pedagogical education under administration or with participation of the Russian Orthodox Church (church and pedagogical schools, colleges, universities of various organizational forms), ensuring continuity in the development of church-state dialogue on issues of general education and spiritual and moral education of the secular school students.