Βρέθηκαν 1183 αποτελέσματα (περιέχουν 1125 Εκδόσεις ) , σύνολο σελίδων 40.
Εφαρμοζόμενα κριτήρια αναζήτησης: έργο Ακύρωση των κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Περιορισμός αποτελεσμάτων με τη χρήση επιπλέον κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Λίστα μετα τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης:
  1. Mitić, Aleksandra. Who and why controverts Darwin?
  2. Radio Televizija Srbije. Panel on the Fight for the Survival o Darwin in Serbia
  3. Kovacevic, Olivera. Will Darwin Survive Serbia?
  4. Ignic, Dragana. And God created Charles Darwin
  5. Tomic, Bojan. Problem of Allocating the Place of Archimandrit Pavle Kendjelac in the History of Natural Sciences of Serbs. 717–732
  6. Tomic, Bojan. A Perspective of Inderdisciplinary Networking of Science, Culture and Theology in 2015. 689–696
  7. Rončevic, Radmilo. The Initiator of the Revision of Darwin’s Theory Statement
  8. Stojković, Biljana. Darwiniana: Guidebook through Evolutionary Biology
  9. Кирьянов Дмитрий, протоиерей. Philosophical and theological interpretation of the multiverse concept
  10. Пущаев Юрий. Absolute harmony of deacon and academician
  11. Tarasjev, Aleksej. Evolutionary Biology and Religion: What Do We Know and How Do We Get to Know?. 113-125
  12. Zeković, Dušanka. Radio Show Hram
  13. Кривовичев Сергей. The Science of Believers or the Faith of Scientists: The Age of XX
  14. Нестерук Алексей. Creation and transcendence in theology and cosmology: philosophical understanding
  15. Шевченко Александр. The concept of biological and cognitive identity in medicine and Orthodox Tradition
  16. Копейкин, Кирилл. Theology of Creation and the Problem of Theoretical Physics’ Interpretation
  17. Цыпин Леонид. Universe, Cosmos, Life - the Three Days of Creation
  18. Гоманьков Алексей. Nature as the second Revelation
  19. Селенский Евгений. Reproduction system of living organisms indicates their intellectual origin
  20. Селенский Евгений. Epistemological problem of atheism
  21. Селенский Евгений. Evolution: building without an architect.
  22. Селенский Евгений. Living organisms as decision-making systems
  23. Стригачев, Атанас. Are science and religion compatible?
  24. Rusu, Iulian. Ecology and Theology in the Romanian context of EU Integration
  25. Rusu, Iulian. Influence of Church on Cultural Evolution
  26. Moldovan, Sebastian. The Orthodox Church-Run Program for the Treatment of Addictions in Romania
  27. Дражев, Марий. Science and faith
  28. Слаников, Иван. Religion and science: Spiritual approaches toward World and man
  29. Ореховская, Наталья Анатольевна. Православие в массовом сознании россиян
  30. Жиров, В.К. Человек и биологическое разнообразие: православный взгляд на проблему взаимоотношений