Βρέθηκαν 1183 αποτελέσματα (περιέχουν 1125 Εκδόσεις ) , σύνολο σελίδων 40.
Εφαρμοζόμενα κριτήρια αναζήτησης: έργο Ακύρωση των κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Περιορισμός αποτελεσμάτων με τη χρήση επιπλέον κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Λίστα μετα τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης:
  1. Stylianopoulos, Leonidas K. Offer of the Greeks to scientific world
  2. Stylianopoulos, Leonidas K. "Apollo 11" as a symbol of the era of courage
  3. Daglis, Theodore. Science does not conflict religion
  4. Christophorou, Loucas. Challenges of modern civilization towards science and human values
  5. Christophorou, Loucas. In the limits of science: scientific questions without scientific answers
  6. Alexandrova, Iliana. Womb for rent
  7. Калудов, Любомир. On religion and education
  8. Чурешки, Стефан. The Eastern Orthodoxy and Communism in Bulgaria, 1944 – 1960
  9. Московский Александр. The Holy Fire Miracle
  10. Жданова Татьяна. Behavior and feelings of animals.
  11. Шохин Владимир. Christianity as a religion of political correctness in modern Europe: illusion and real prospects
  12. Katasonov, Vladimir. Christianity and the scientific and philosophical concepts of infinity.
  13. Войно-Ясенецкий Лука, Архиепископ. Science and religion
  14. Рыжов Василий. Christianity. Science. Education
  15. Волков Павел. The Phenomenon of Adam. Experimental Archeology about Man Before the Flood
  16. Нестерук Алексей. Universe as a Saturated Phenomenon: Christian concept of creation in the light of modern philosophy and science
  17. Гутнер Григорий. Responsibility of religion and science in the modern world
  18. Katasonov, Vladimir. The XX century civilization crisis and Orthodoxy (On the Boundaries of Technological Thinking)
  19. Гриб Андрей. Christianity and modern science
  20. Гриб Андрей. The problem of creation from nothing in theology of Father Sergius Bulgakov and in modern cosmology
  21. Висарион Зографски, йеромонах. Peter Deunov and Vanga - prophets and predecessors of antichrist. Part 1, P. Deunov – analysis of a false teaching
  22. Вучкова, Красимира. Controversial issues in studying evolutionary teachings: socio-pedagogical and methodological aspects
  23. Висарион Зографски, йеромонах. Peter Deunov and Vanga - prophets and predecessors of antichrist. Part 2,Vanga – portret of a contemporary witch
  24. Андонов, Божидар. Contours of the contemporary religious education
  25. Спиров, Иван. Christianity, atheism, post modernity
  26. Методиев, Момчил. Between Faith and Compromise. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Communist State, 1944-1989
  27. Калканджиева, Даниела. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the “people’s democracy” (1944-1953)
  28. Смирнов, Димитрий. Проблемы клеточных технологий в свете православного нравственного богословия
  29. Bojović, Dragiša. Appendix to the First Issue of the Journal Church Studies. 9
  30. B92. Is it the End to Darwin's Theory in Serbia?