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Found 1183 results (contain 1125 manifestations ) , total pages 40.
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List of search results:
  1. Ware, (Metropolitan) Kallistos. Religion, Science and Technology: An eastern Orthodox perspective. Interview by MG Michael and Katina Michael
  2. Ware, (Metropolitan) Kallistos. Orthodox Theology in the twenty-first century
  3. Константинов Константин, священник. Molecular genetic evidence of the organic world creation
  4. Казин Александр Леонидович. Russian faith and Russian philosophy
  5. Соловьев Никита Александрович. Current issues of metaphysics
  6. Шеховцева Лариса Филипповна. To the ontology of the soul as an energy-informational relationship
  7. Костенко Владимир Григорьевич. Living cell in the eyes of organic chemists
  8. Яковлев Владимир Анатольевич. Creative principles of Christian metaphysics
  9. Кирпичников Александр Петрович. On the logic of ontological evidence of God existence
  10. Тонева, Клара. Отговорността на човека като посредник между света и Бога
  11. Павлов, Павел. Богословие и култура (Българският опит)
  12. Березин Виктор. Two-level ontological model of a living being
  13. Дорофеев Дмитрий. “Anthropology of the German "onto-theological tradition ” (die onto-theologische Tradition)”
  14. Нестерук Алексей. “Back to the Fathers”: Rev. Maxim the Confessor, neo-patristic synthesis and criticism of the secular mind in the 21st century
  15. Посадский Сергей Владимирович. Metaphysics and Science vs. naive realism
  16. Петруня Олег. Anthropic methodology and cybernetic transhumanism. On the question of two strategies of cognition and social development
  17. Брэдшоу Дэвид. Christian approach to the philosophy of time
  18. Woloschak, Gayle. Faith, Science, Mystery
  19. Bulatovic, Spiridon. Oziljci i opomene
  20. Dimitrijevic, Vladimir. The Role of Vladimir Vujić in Shaping the Ideology of Saint Sava's Vision of Orthodoxy
  21. Prapas Fotios. Elements from the cosmology of Saint Maximus the Confessor. Man as mediator of salvation of Cosmos
  22. Šijaković, Bogoljub. Mirroring in Context: On knowledge and faith, legends and identity, church and the state
  23. Ionescu, Razvan Andrei. An exclusive interview with Father Alexei Nesteruk
  24. Ionescu, Razvan Andrei. An exclusive interview with Father Alexei Nesteruk
  25. Tympas, Grigorios Chrysostom. The ‘Psychological’ and the ‘Spiritual’: An Evolutional Relationship within an Ontological Framework. A Brief Comment on Jung’s ‘Self’
  26. Tympas, Grigorios Chrysostom. The ‘Psychological’ and the ‘Spiritual’: An Evolutional Relationship within an Ontological Framework. A Brief Comment on Jung’s ‘Self’
  27. Loucas G. Christophorou. Emerging Dynamics: Science, Energy, Society and Values
  28. Loucas G. Christophorou. Emerging Dynamics: Science, Energy, Society and Values
  29. Hatzinikolaou, (Metropolitan of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki) Nikolaos. The Greek Orthodox position on the ethics of assisted reproduction
  30. Chrysostomos, Archbishop of Etna Chrysostomos. A Guide to Orthodox Psychotherapy: The Science, Theology, and Spiritual Practice Behind It and Its Clinical Application