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Αναζήτηση στην ηλεκτρονική βιβλιοθήκη SCORP
Βρέθηκαν 1204 αποτελέσματα
, σύνολο σελίδων 41.
Περιορισμός αποτελεσμάτων με τη χρήση επιπλέον κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Εφαρμοζόμενα κριτήρια αναζήτησης:
Ακύρωση των κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Λίστα μετα τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης:
- Orthodox Christianity, spirituality, and the “technological revolution.”
- About Space, Cognition and the Holy Mentor of Astronauts
- Short Comment from Archbishop Iosif (Chernov) on Yury Gagarin’s Space Flight
- Church seen from space
- Opium of Progress
- The Russian Orthodox Church and the Education of Russian Emigration of the 1920-30s
- Astronomy Class
- The Church against Science (Facts and Facts only)
- Orthodox Christianity on Extra-Terrestrial Life
- The Origin of Astronomy in Russia
- To Space with God : A Conversation with Hero of Russian Federation cosmonaut Valery Korzun
- By the fruits you will know them
- Priests – Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (MEPhI) graduates
- Missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Chutch in the second half of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century (historiographical review)
- Христианский концепт личности как основополагающий компонент моральной проблематики современной биоэтики
- Христианский концепт личности как основа определения онтологического статуса человека в современной биоэтике. Вестник Томского государственного университета
- Православные периодические издания в культурном и научном пространстве России (вторая половина XIX начало ХХ В.
- Christianity or Anti-scientific demagogy
- in the beginning God created the havens and earth
- Bible and nature. Evolution, creationism and Christian doctrine.
- Orthodoxy and the development of mathematics
- About the limits of the "unlimited in principle" science
- On the possibility of a dialogue between science and religion based on Russian Orthodox tradition
- So what are the days of creation?
- The Meaning of the Earth
- The place of Greek philosophy in the Orthodox East: A study of Saint Gregory Palamas
- Remarks on the history of relationship between science and theology in Russia
- Divine action and modern science: the problems of interpretation
- The apology of biological evolution in discussion with "scientific creationists"