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Αναζήτηση στην ηλεκτρονική βιβλιοθήκη SCORP
Βρέθηκαν 1204 αποτελέσματα
, σύνολο σελίδων 41.
Περιορισμός αποτελεσμάτων με τη χρήση επιπλέον κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Εφαρμοζόμενα κριτήρια αναζήτησης:
Ακύρωση των κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Λίστα μετα τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης:
- The Importance of Religiousity for Mental Health
- Psychiatric Diseases in the Context of the Christian Experience. Part 2.
- Psychiatric Diseases in the Context of the Christian Experience. Part 1
- Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Problems and Perspectives
- Surrogacy. A Pastoral Approach
- On Traditional and Non-Traditional Medicine
- Church’s attitude to non-traditional medicine
- What an Orthodox Christian Should Never Do
- Traditional healers and their “prayers"
- "Healers": Why Does the Church Oppose Them?
- Is it sinful to resort to healers if they heal through prayer?
- The Russian Orthodox Church and the Internet
- Modern scientific cosmology and Orthodox theology
- Orthodox Christian Cosmology, Ecclesiastical Gnosis and the Mystery of the Created Being
- Can there be a spiritual alternative to the consumerist mentality?
- Silent Apocalypse
- The Problem of the Correlation Between Religious and Scientific Knowledge
- Science and Religion in Russian Religious Philosophy
- The spiritual and cultural space of Archimandrite Boris (Kholychev) and his “practical psychology”
- The Church and Medicine
- The Problems of Foreign Pharmacists' Integration into Russian Medical Practice in the XVI-XVIIth Centuries
- Nature Management: the Experience of Orthodox Christianity
- Development of bioethics in Russia
- Bioethical narrative in modern theological discourse (using the example of surrogate motherhood technology)
- The Position of the Church in Connection with the Development of Identification Technologies and Processing of Personal Data
- Where the Devil Fights with God: the Internet viewed by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Vatican
- Vladimir Legoyda: We are writing a document on the Church's attitude toward Information Technologies
- Official stance of the Russian Orthodox Church regarding the problem of electronic identification of individuals
- Church on the IIN (Individual Identification Number) : Once again on the Russian Orthodox Church's position concerning individual identification and new technologies
- Церковь и современные технологии (продолжение)