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Found 1204 results , total pages 41.
List of search results:
  1. Bioethics and theology. Should we talk about Orthodox Christian Bioethics?
  2. Space exploration
  3. Priest Mikhail Dudko gives the religion’s take on space exploration
  4. Physicists and clericals met at Platonov’s seminar
  5. From fire to the pulpit
  6. Organ transplantation
  7. The care of the Church towards the environment
  8. Early critics by Greek orthodox Christian circles on science
  9. The Papiloma virus and the religious education in our schools
  10. The presumed consent: a road to manslaughter
  11. Is Church against transplantation?
  12. Orthodox Psychotherapy is the healing of the soul through the soul
  13. The emergence of Christian light. The perennial light of Orthodoxy.The emergence of Christian ligh.t The convergence of luminousl Parallels
  14. Why did you become a Russian Orthodox priest?
  15. Psychoanalysis and Orthodox Theology. On Desire, Catholicity and Eschatology
  16. Michael van Opstall, mathematics professor and priest
  17. Orthodox Church the Information Security
  18. Interview with priest Andrei Lorgus: "It is not possible to solve most problems of serving society without psychology"
  19. Church and the Informatically Controlled Society
  20. Theology and Psychology: convergences and divergences
  21. Orthodoxy and technology
  22. On Faith and Science
  23. Church and science
  24. Serbian Orthodox Church in the nineties
  25. Modern Psychoanalysis and the Patristic heritage
  26. Orthodoxy and science. Two theories on the origin of human's species
  27. Psychoanalysis and Orthodox anthropology
  28. Meeting theology meant unexpectedly getting up from pain
  29. Does the Big-Bang theory contradict the orthodox dogmas?
  30. The new representation of the world vol.4