The new representation of the world vol.4
- Lemma
- Noua reprezentare a lumii vol.4
- Romanian
- Stavinschi, Alexandra
- Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology - Ethics - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Patristic studies - Education, Science and Orthodoxy > Science and theology in education, from the Orthodox point of view - Orthodox theological tradition and practice
- 31-1-2017
- Stavinschi, Magda [Editor]. The new representation of the world vol.4
- The new representation of the world
- transdisciplinarity - dogma - euthanasia - interdisciplinary dialogue - cosmology - iconography - bioethics - Patristic theology - Reality
Now, perhaps more than ever, the dialogue between science and theology became a major imperative, inevitable and urgent. With the help of the Templeton Foundation, the editors were able to bring it to the standard of serious research. The aim is to carry it on, whatever the strictly "academic" results, in the hope that the dialogue would bring everyone increasingly closer to each other.
The book contains essays by: Magda Stavinschi (Dialogue can be learned too); Archbishop Lazar Puhalo – How to approach an educated person in the post-Christian era; Doru Costache & Basarab Nicolescu – Traditional milestones for a comprehensive context required for the dialogue between science and theology: the dogma of Chalcedon; Gabriel Memelis - Elements for a mystical physiology; Razvan Ionescu – Autonomous reason and spiritually advanced reason: meeting with reality; Dana Jalobeanu – The closed world, the infinite universe and the divine attributes. The role of natural theology in defining modern cosmology; Alexandru Mihail - Elements of biblical cosmology. An interpretive paradigm; Virgil Pop - Exploration of outer space and sacred art; Gheorghe Istodor – Euthanasia; Victor Godeanu - About a possible method in bioethics. The patristic model and assuming responsibilities; Catalin Mosoia – The templeton Awards.