Giovanni Filoramo: Ecological, psychological and political gnosis

  1. Lemma
  2. Giovanni Filoramo: Gnoza ecologică, psihologică şi politică
  3. Romanian
  4. Stavinschi, Alexandra
  5. Orthodox gnosiology - History and philosophy of science - Philosophy of science/epistemology - Sources of knowledge (empiricism/rationalism)
  6. 25-1-2017
  7. Bădiliţă, Cristian [Author]. Giovanni Filoramo: Ecological, psychological and political gnosis
  8. Stiinta dragoste credinta. Convorbiri cu patrologi europeni. [Science faith love. Conversations with European patrologists]
  9. natural - religion and ecology - psychology - politics - gnoseology
    1. 121-134
    1. This is a conversation between Cristian Badilita and Giovanni Filoramo, one of the most important Italian historians of religions. Born in 1945, he is Professor at the University of Turin. He has published numerous papers on gnosis, ancient Christianity, prophetism and eschatology. Although he is a historian, he perceives and interprets religion through phenomenological intuition and philosophical meanings. For him, the cultural or religious concept of gnosis is about the symbiosis between man and God. The concept of gnosis is used in the philosophical and cultural sense to denote a specific type of knowledge, of absolute knowledge, that enables humans to retrieve the most authentic part of themselves and, in a way, to find salvation. Filoramo is particularly interested in the religious aspects of this phenomenon. Ancient Gnosis, as it emerges from the Christian testimonies, reveals a dualistic dimension, while Filoramo focuses on the monistic aspect when describing the gnostic movements in the contemporary world. In fact, the term "gnosis" (knowledge), in the absolute sense, as the ancients used it, designates a knowledge that does not have a specific object; it is an immediate, intuitive knowledge of the true nature hidden within us. Filoramo defines the gnosis as a religion of the self. According to him, in the European tradition, the main metamorphosis of Gnosticism also involve the central use of mythology. The structure of Hegel’s thought, can be defined as gnostic. Filoramo has also looked at contemporary gnostic movements and wrote several studies on "radical ecology" (deep ecology). He does not consider that dualism is a fundamental feature of Gnosticism; in his view, the defining feature is rather the awareness of the crisis within divinity. In the end of the interview, he is invited to talk about the three types of gnosticism: ecological, psychological and political. He mentions a number of surprising phenomena, such as the resacralisation of the nature in the western word, which goes somewhat against the paradigm imposed by our Judeo-Christian civilization. He also expands on the deep ecology, then talks about Jung and Ascona, and he closes his speech by commenting on a number of political ideologies, as well as on the social classes that believe to have messianic powers.