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  1. The Orthodox Church in the 21st Century - Belgrade: Christian Cultural Center.
  2. Church in the Modern World - Belgrade: Sluzbeni glasnik, 2010.
    Author: Bigovic, Radovan
  3. Liturgy and Modern World [Orthodoxy before Challenges of Modern Times]
    Author: Purić, Jovan
  4. Psychotherapy and Religion - : Ars Libri, 2006.
    Author: Jerotic, Vladeta
  5. Пристрастие. Mocква, Аграф, 1997 : Propensity
    Author: Rauschenbach Boris
  6. Digital Challenges: the Ways of Christianity in the Binary Code Civilization - Belgrade: Bernar, 2013.
    Author: Subotic, Oliver
  7. Physics in the Hexameron by Saint Basil the Great - Kraljevo: EUO Eparhije Zicke, 2008.
    Author: Tomic, Bojan
  8. Njegosh’s Primordial Logos I - Belgrade: Interpres, 2000.
    Author: Rakocevic, Miloje
  9. Classical Physics and Physics of Serbs - Belgrade: Otačnik, 2013.
    Author: Maric, Ilija
  10. Biology and Creationism - Belgrade: IP Signature, 1999.
    Author: Tarasjev, Aleksej
  11. Path : the Narrative of a Failed Minister - Belgrade: Hriscanska misao, 2005.
    Author: Colic, Ljiljana
  12. Mihajlo Pupin – Man of Christ and Saint Sava - Belgrade: Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovac, 2000.
    Author: Jovic, B., Savo
  13. Religion II - Belgrade: Čigoja štampa, 1998.
    Author: Susnjic, Djuro
  14. Боровшийся с бесконечным. Философско-религиозные аспекты генезиса теории множеств Георга Кантора. Москва, Мартис, 1999 : Striven with the Infinite. Philosophical and religious aspects of the George Cantor set theory genesis
  15. Science and Religion in Context: Metanexus Annual Conference University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia 5-9 July
    Author: Arinin Evgeny
  16. Faith and Science - София: Покров Богородичен, 2010.
    Author: Велчев, Валентин
  17. Science and Bible: the Pulse of Planet Earth - Novi Sad: Udruzenje za zdrav stil zivota ,,Eden", 2013.
    Author: Milosev, S. Dragisa
  18. Orthodox Handbook On Ecumenism 185-189
    Author: Bairactaris Fr. Augoustinos
  19. Russian Orthodoxy Resurgent: Faith and Power in the New Russia
    Author: Garrard, John, Garrard, Carol
  20. Хуманизъм. Наука. Религия : духовните ценности и науката в полза на обществото - София: Военно издателство, 2014.
    Author: Стефанов, Ангел, Киркорян, Рупен
  21. Orthodox apologetic theology : Saint Herman Press
    Author: Andreyev Ivan
  22. Orthodox bioethics in the encounter between science and religion - Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2011.
    Author: Breck John
  23. Stages on Life's Way: Orthodox Thinking on Bioethics - New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2005.
    Author: Breck John, Breck Lyn
  24. The Sacred Gift of Life: Orthodox Christianity and Bioethics - New York: St. Vladimir's Seminar Press, 1998.
    Author: Breck John
  25. Faith and knowledge: contemporary challenges - Шумен: Университетско издателство Епископ Константин Преславски, 2012.
    Author: Йорданова, Галя Вълчева
  26. On some trends of math development : О некоторых тенденциях развития математики
  27. О некоторых тенденциях развития математики. : On some trends of math development. Lecture at the official Heinemann award ceremony at Gettingen Academy of Science
    Author: Шафаревич Игорь Ростиславович
  28. Truth, Beauty and the Limits of Knowledge : A Path from Science to Religion - Belgrade: Sluzbeni glasnik, 2016.
    Author: Zecevic, Aleksandar
  29. Теория распада Вселенной и вера Отцов
    Author: Епископ Василий Родзянко
  30. Ἀνατολικὴ ἠθικὴ καὶ δυτικὴ τεχνικὴ: Θέματα φυσικῆς φιλοσοφίας τῆς θρησκείας - Athens: Grigoris Publications, 1993.
    Author: Begzos, Marios