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Found 603 results
, total pages 21.
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List of search results:
- Subject: clones
- Subject: emergent development
- Subject: post-socialist Orthodox identity
- Subject: physiology
- Subject: Women
- Subject: creation as theophany
- Subject: Creation as theophany
- Subject: nepsis/purification-deification
- Subject: Modernity and alienation
- Subject: soul-body
- Subject: soul - body
- Subject: Human energies
- Subject: Divine Fire
- Subject: interdisciplinary dialogue
- Subject: Light
- Subject: uncertainty principle
- Subject: discontinuity principle
- Subject: intuition and scientific investigation
- Subject: desacralization
- Subject: depersonalization
- Subject: mechanistic approach
- Subject: Judeo-Christian culture
- Subject: Otherness
- Subject: plural identities
- Subject: religious education
- Subject: transdisciplinarity
- Subject: interreligious dialogue
- Subject: entrepreneurship
- Subject: creativity
- Subject: Pastoral Theology