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Αναζήτηση στην ηλεκτρονική βιβλιοθήκη SCORP
Βρέθηκαν 1183 αποτελέσματα
(περιέχουν 1125 Εκδόσεις
, σύνολο σελίδων 40.
Περιορισμός αποτελεσμάτων με τη χρήση επιπλέον κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Εφαρμοζόμενα κριτήρια αναζήτησης:
Ακύρωση των κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Λίστα μετα τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης:
- Bournelis, Apostolos N. The star of the Nativity in the Patristic literature
- Myrou, (Archimandrite) Augoustinos. Warranted standards of truth
- Велчев, Тодор. Basics of the Christian view of creation
- Sherrard, Philip. The Dehumanization of Man
- Δεληδήμος, Ειρηναίος. Christianity and religion
- Lemeni, Nicolae Adrian. The Rationality of the World and Human Reason as expressed in the Theology of Father Dumitru Staniloae: Points of Connection in the Dialogue between Theology and Science
- Чаусов, А. И. Анализ некоторых современных негативных представлений о православной церкви, сформированных в Советском Союзе в середине 50-х – начале 60-х годов ХХ в.
- Бакалов, Георги. Православие и католицизъм
- Subotic, Oliver. Christian Message in the Era of Electronic Communication
- Subotic, Oliver. Christian Message in the Electronic Communication Era
- Subotic, Oliver. Christian Message in the Electronic Communication Era
- Subotic, Oliver. Christian Message in the Electronic Communication Era
- Subotic, Oliver. Christian Message in the Electronic Communication Era
- Father Gleb Kaleda. Home Church
- Чернышев, Андрей Валентинович. Возможна ли христианская наука? Методологические проблемы синтеза богословия и научного метода познания.
- Bezrogov Vitaliy Grigorievich. Master and his disciples in the New Testament
- Father Gleb Kaleda. Introduction to the book “Psychiatry and the spiritual life problems” by Professor D.E. Melikhov
- The Inconvenient Relation Between Religion and Science: The Prevalence of the Heliocentric Theory
- Sikorskiy Igor. The message of the Lord’s prayer.
- Чурешки, Стефан. On the Christian understanding of the concept of people and nationality – problems of its philosophical and historical use
- Trostnikov Viktor. Christian world perception and science
- Vatashki, Rumen. Юбилеен сборник в чест на 60-годишнината на проф. Ангел Кръстев и 20-годишнината от създаването на специалност „Теология” в Шуменския университет
- Malcheva, Rumyana. Is the mathematical plan of universe coincidence?
- Saprykin, Dmitry. The Great War as a Crucial Point in the History of Russian Science and Technology
- Склярова Татьяна Владимировна. Orthodox education in modern Russia: content and structure.
- Кондратьев Федор. The destinies of schizophrenia carriers: clinical, social, judicial and psychiatric aspects.
- Bogolyubov Alexey N. N.N. Bogolyubov. The life. The creative work.
- Велчев, Валентин. Faith and Science
- Dejic, Mirko. Number, Measure, Immeasurability: From Mathematics to Anthropology. 190–310, Mathematics and Religion
- Dictionary of Technology