Βρέθηκαν 1183 αποτελέσματα (περιέχουν 1125 Εκδόσεις ) , σύνολο σελίδων 40.
Εφαρμοζόμενα κριτήρια αναζήτησης: έργο Ακύρωση των κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Περιορισμός αποτελεσμάτων με τη χρήση επιπλέον κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Λίστα μετα τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης:
  1. Makrides, Vasilios. Η υποδοχή του αερόστατου στην προεπαναστατική Ελλάδα: εντυπώσεις και αντιδράσεις (The reception of the balloon in Pre-independence Greece. Impressions and Reactions)
  2. Rauschenbach Boris. The Path of Contemplation
  3. Rauschenbach Boris. "... Interceding the Holy Trinity." Communicating the Trinity dogma in icons.
  4. Rauschenbach Boris. Is it possible to paint an icon realistically?
  5. Rauschenbach Boris. "Being convinced by both thought and heart"
  6. Rauschenbach Boris. Four-dimensional space.
  7. Панкратов А В. Unity of religion and science in the face of civilization global crisis.
  8. Петренко Олег. A Physicist’s reflection upon the creation mystery.
  9. Калинин Ярослав. Synergy of Science and Theology: The Experience of Analogy
  10. Селенский Евгений. Biosemiotical argument for the design of living systems
  11. Слободской Михаил. Unexpected Sikorsky. The great aircraft designer was also a philosopher and theologian.
  12. Шихляров Лев. Christian and Evolution
  13. Angelidi, Christine. Η Γη και το Σύμπαν. Ελληνική Επιστήμη και χριστιανικές ερμηνείες (The Earth and the Universe. Greek science and christian interpretations)
  14. Димитрова, Нина. Religion and nationalism. Ideas about religion in the interwar period in Bulgaria.
  15. Jevremovic, Petar. Patristics in the Mirror of Hermeneutics
  16. Тодоров, Георги. The intelligentsia and the Orthodoxy
  17. Тодоров, Георги. Against Stephen Hawking’s theology
  18. Чурешки, Стефан. The resumption of paganism and heresies in Bulgaria follows the road of science
  19. Metallinos, (Protopresbyter) Georgios. Πίστη και επιστήμη στην ορθόδοξη γνωσιολογία
  20. Michaloliakos Nicholaos. Η εντιμότητα των σχέσεων Επιστήμης και θεολογίας
  21. Ваташки, Атанас. Faith and science – opposition or synergy
  22. Попмаринов, Димитър. The religious education – a serious matter that has to be solved
  23. Главев, Божидар. Critical-skeptical look at some of the objections to the introduction of Orthodox religious education at schools
  24. Методиев, Момчил. Symbols and identity: paralels between the communist atheism and western secularism
  25. Чипев, Константин. Evolutionary struggles: Anti and Pro Darwin
  26. Свиленов, Дечко. Evolution or creation. What the science says
  27. Друмева, Маргарита. Creationism or evolution?
  28. Свиленов, Дечко. Life after death: what science, religions and the Bible say?
  29. Стефанов, Павел. Архимандрит. Darwin and Hitler
  30. Subotic, Oliver. Man, Technology and Runaway World. 130–133