Βρέθηκαν 1204 αποτελέσματα , σύνολο σελίδων 41.
Εφαρμοζόμενα κριτήρια αναζήτησης: Λήμμα Ακύρωση των κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Περιορισμός αποτελεσμάτων με τη χρήση επιπλέον κριτηρίων αναζήτησης
Λίστα μετα τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης:
  1. Christian concept of creation in the light of modern philosophy and science
  2. Responsibility of religion and science in the modern world
  3. Technological way of thinking and Orthodoxy
  4. Christianity and modern science
  5. The problem of creation from nothing in theology of Father Sergius Bulgakov and in modern cosmology
  6. Peter Deunov and Vanga - prophets and predecessors of antichrist. Part 1, P. Deunov – analysis of a false teaching
  7. The “Genesis” and the Contemporary Science (First part)
  8. Controversial issues in studying evolutionary teachings: socio-pedagogical and methodological aspects
  9. Contours of the contemporary religious education
  10. Peter Deunov and Vanga - prophets and predecessors of antichrist. Part 2, Vanga - portret of a contemporary witch
  11. The hypothesis of God : with Koba Davitashvili
  12. Christianity, atheism, post modernity
  13. Between Faith and Compromise. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Communist State, 1944-1989
  14. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the “people’s democracy” (1944-1953)
  15. Problems of cellular technologies in light of Orthodox moral theology
  16. Church Studies
  17. Is it the End to Darwin in Serbia?
  18. Who and why controverts Darwin?
  19. The Discussion on the Darwin’s Theory
  20. Will Darwin Survive Serbia?
  21. And God Created Charles Darwin
  22. Archimandrite Pavle Kendjelac in the History of Natural Sciences of Serbs
  23. A Perspective of Inderdisciplinary Networking of Science, Culture and Theology in 2015
  24. The Written Statement of the Evolution Theory Revision Petition Initiator
  25. Darwiniana
  26. Philosophical and theological interpretation of the multiverse concept
  27. Deacon Sergius Krivovichev
  28. Cognition in Evolutionary Biology and Religion
  29. The Science of Believers or the Faith of Scientists: The Age of XX
  30. Creation and transcendence in theology and cosmology: philosophical understanding