Good intentions pave the way to medical fascism

  1. Lemma
  2. Благими намерениями вымощена дорога в медицинский фашизм
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine
  6. 02-02-2016
  7. Першин, Михаил [Author]. Good intentions pave the way to medical fascism
  8. Православие и мир
  9. genetic code
    1. The British Office for human fertilization and embryology (HFEA) has allowed a group of scientists to conduct experiments on the genetic modification of human embryos. During the experiments, it is planned to find out what genes embryos need for successful development. Hieromonk Dimitry Pershin, senior lecturer at the Department of biomedical ethics of the Russian state medical University, makes his comments.

      What can be argued from this information?

      1) The planned destruction of embryos is in essence their murder.

      2) Human life is reduced to the level of raw materials.

      3) Good intentions paved the way to medical fascism. Initially, IVF supplies millions of frozen and unclaimed embryos and then they are used as experimental mice.

      4) The problem of gene manipulation at the embryonic stage of development exists. These mutations can be fixed and passed on to future generations. These mutations can also improve the human genome.

      5) The goal does not justify the means and if no good of humanity gives us the moral right to torture even one person whose death will be of great benefit to all, what can justify similar actions against the human embryo?