The Social Doctrine of Christianity: Religious Analysis of Catholic and Orthodox Doctrines

  1. Lemma
  2. Социальное учение христианства: Религиоведческий анализ католической и православной доктрин
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Religious studies
  6. 2005
  7. Ярушникова Оксана [Author]. The Social Doctrine of Christianity: Religious Analysis of Catholic and Orthodox Doctrines
  8. Социальное учение христианства: Религиоведческий анализ католической и православной доктрин : The Social Doctrine of Christianity: Religious Analysis of Catholic and Orthodox Doctrines
  9. Social Conception of Russian Orthodox Church
    1. If the Catholic social doctrine is substantiated mainly from a positively rationalistic point of view, the social doctrine of ROC is reinforced from mystical positions using elements of rationalism. The latter are borrowed from the arsenal of Russian religious and philosophical thought. However, these doctrines should be regarded as complementary, which is immediately revealed when they are compared in the dialectical aspect.

      The similarity of the Catholic and Orthodox social studies can be traced in the ontological and epistemological aspects. The latter seek a holistic perception of the world, the organic element of which is the person. However, in contrast to the Catholic social doctrine in Orthodoxy, social interests were primarily directed not at the issues of arranging life, but at determining its meaning.

      The aspiration of the social doctrine of the ROC to the Absolute, the absolute good attainable only in the Kingdom of God, distinguishes Orthodox from Catholic doctrine, showing a certain limitation of the latter, but also demonstrating a certain similarity with it. In both teachings, it is found that the main means for resolving social contradictions is not in the economic or political spheres, but in the sphere of morality and moreover, the morality is religious and, more specifically, Christian.