Turcan, Nicolae

  1. Person
  2. 1971
  3. Soveja(VranceaCounty), Romania
  4. Male
  5. He is a Christian theologian and philosopher, lecturer at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. He completed his doctorate in Theology at theUniversity, Alba Iulia, with a thesis about Jean-Luc Marion, after a PhD in Philosophy from the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, with a thesis on E.M. Cioran. He is a Graduate of the Postgraduate School of Applied Informatics and Programming of the Technical University of Cluj and has a Master from the Faculty of Letters of Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj (2002), a BA in Theology and a BA in Philosophy. Expertise: Apologetics, Fundamental and dogmatic theology, Phenomenology, Postmodernism, History of philosophy.