Postmodernism and apophatic theology

  1. Lemma
  2. Postmodernism și teologie apofatică
  3. Romanian
  4. Turcan, Nicolae
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Premodern _modern_ postmodern - Orthodox theological tradition and practice - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Status of theology
  6. 2014
  7. Postmodernism and apophatic theology - Floresti, Cluj: Limes, 2014.
  8. postmodernity - apophatisim - Hermeneutics - ontology - Metaphysics
    1. How can Orthodox theology respond to the challenges that are coming up today, at the time of the end of metaphysics? What do postmodernism, onto-theology and weak thinking mean? How can we address the hermeneutical subjectivism and the postmodern relativism applied religiously? Which solutions does the Church Tradition still have to confess the truth of the apostolic kerigma in a cultural world that is losing its Christian spiritual roots?