Orthodoxy and science on the eve of the third millennium
- Lemma
- Православие и наука на пороге третьего тысячелетия
- Russian
- Saprykin, Dmitry
- Modes of interaction > Integration
- 2000
- Экономцев Иоанн, игумен [Author]. Orthodoxy and science on the eve of the third millennium
- Православная энциклопедия «Азбука веры»
- faith and knowledge
Rejecting the current widespread idea about the contradiction between faith and science, the author emphasizes on the fact that Christianity is not against science, since it has already provided the scientific progress with a powerful impetus. The opposition between science and Christianity, which commenced during the Enlightenment, was taken up by atheists. However, the author believes that the true science does not contradict Christianity. The science that turns to God seeks the truth, apart from good and beauty. Such kind of science will be able to fully comprehend that great measure of responsibility which one needs in order to approach every creation of God.