Creation and hesychia. The impact of the climate changes on the global and the regional politics

  1. Lemma
  2. Творение и исихия. Влиянието на климатичните промени върху световната и регионалната политика
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Доклад на вселенския патриарх Вартоломей I по случай с удостояването му с титлата доктор хонорис кауза от БАН, изнесен на 9 ноември 2015/ Speech by Patriarch Bartholomew I on the occasion of the award of honorary degree honoris causa by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, delivered on 9 November 201555 (en)
  5. Nachev, Ivaylo
  6. Ecology and the environment
  7. 12-2015
  8. Патриарх Вартоломей [Author]. The impact of the climate changes on the global and the regional politics
  9. Църковен вестник
  10. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
    1. The speech focused the attention on natural disasters that are being caused by the climate changes and affect most strongly the poorest regions in the world. It argued that for these regions adaptation will not be sufficient and instead should urgently be carried out fundamental changes of the global politics.

      The patriarchy is concerned about the ecologic crisis because of its view that there are no two ways to comprehend the world as religious and secular, meaning that the care for social justice and human rights could not be separated from measures for a sustainable environment. Our relation to the nature reflects our relations to other people and God. The point of view of the Orthodox Church to the environment is based on the fundamental principle that the world is created by God. The speech analyzed the terms “Eucharistic” and “Ascetic”, arguing the world is a gift which should be accepted with gratitude and clarifying the “ascetic ethos” of the Orthodoxy which encourages fasting and other spiritual practices.

      In addition to the theological context, the speech highlighted the relation of the ecological problems with social issues such as the poverty, stating that concerns about environmental issues are directly related to concerns about issues of social justice.

      In his concluding remarks Patriarch Bartholomew pointed the crisis of our time is not at first place environmental but one which concerns the way in which we perceive and understand the world. In his opinion we treat our planet blasphemously precisely because we do not see in it as a gift from God, failing to meet our duty to respect it and pass it to future generations.