Costache, Doru
- 1967
- Going Upwards with Everything You Are. The Unifying Ladder of St Maximus the Confessor
- Nicolescu, Basarab. Traditional milestones for a comprehensive dialogue necessary for the dialogue between science and theology: the Chalcedonian dogma
- Costache, Doru. The vision of orthodox theology on the controversy creationism-evolutionism: elements for a discourse on the method
- Costache, Doru. Queen of the Sciences? Theology and Natural Knowledge in St Gregory Palamas’ ‘One Hundred and Fifty Chapters’
- Costache, Doru. At the Crossroads of Contemporary Cosmology and the Patristic Worldview: Movement, Rationality and Purpose in Father Dumitru Stăniloae
- Costache, Doru. Theology and Natural Sciences in St Gregory Palamas
- Costache, Doru. The Other Path in Science, Theology and Spirituality: Pondering a Fourteenth Century Byzantine Model
- Costache, Doru. Christian Worldview: Understandings from St Basil the Great
- Costache, Doru. Meaningful Cosmos: Logos and Nature in Clement the Alexandrian’s ‘Exhortation to the Gentiles’
- Costache, Doru. Worldview and Melodic Imagery in the Alexandrian Tradition and Certain Patristic Antecedents
- Costache, Doru. Making Sense of the World: Theology and Science in St Gregory of Nyssa’s ‘An Apology for the Hexaemeron’
- Costache, Doru. Mapping Reality within the Experience of Holiness
- Costache, Doru. Logos, Evolution, and Finality in Anthropological Research
- Costache, Doru. Approaching the Christian Worldview with St Basil the Great: Aspects Relevant to Current Conversations in Science and Theology
- Costache, Doru. Approaching An Apology for the Hexaemeron: Its aims, methods and discourse
- Costache, Doru. Going Upwards with Everything You Are. The Unifying Ladder of St Maximus the Confessor
- Stavinschi, Magda. A new representation of the world. Inter and transdisciplinary studies vol 5
- Stavinschi, Magda. The new representation of the world vol.4
- A new representation of the world. Inter and transdisciplinary studies vol 5
- The new representation of the world
- Alexandrian Legacy: A Critical Appraisal
- Cappadocian Legacy: A critical appraisal