The technological era and the spiritual meanings of the world

  1. Lemma
  2. Era tehnologiilor și înțelesurile spirituale ale lumii
  3. Romanian
  4. Stavinschi, Alexandra
  5. Ethics - Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology - Ecumenism and dialogue > Education - Modes of interaction > Integration - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Patristic studies - Orthodox view on technology and engineering
  6. 30-08-2015
  7. Mihalache, Sorin [Author]. Era tehnologiilor și înțelesurile spirituale ale lumii [The technological era and the spiritual meanings of the world]
  8. Ziarul Lumina
  9. biotechnology - Maximus the Confessor - bioengineering
  10. Click Here
    1. The author aims to draw attention on the importance of outlining a theological perspective on bioengineering and biotechnology. He discusses a number of groundbreaking methods that have permanently affected the relation between man and the surrounding world. He talks about regenerative stem cell therapies, about the injection of living cells via electrical fields, which he had also discussed in previous articles, about bioprocessors, which are used to develop living neural networks in artificial environments, with applications in neurological treatments, about biochips, which are intended to take over the functions of impaired portions of the brain, and especially about the fight against the genetic mechanisms of aging, with interventions in the mechanisms of DNA replication. In the section entitled "The science fiction present of this world”, he mentions many other astounding ways in which biotechnology has challenged the age-old techniques of addressing medical issues. The author’s main concern is to point out the challenges that these overflowing technologies pose to life and to urge an adequate theological response. The main reason for that is the considerable impact these technologies are having on man, particularly on the human capacity to control and manipulate life. Another reason is that no human concern can and should be ignored in the spiritual life. In other words, biotechnologies deserve attention as soon as they can capture the meaning of the world, but also because they affect human life. Finally, priests, religion teachers and theologians are called to communicate a balanced perspective on the use of the world resources, and raise awareness of the related responsibilities and hidden risks, which demand precautions and a set of ethical rules meant to protect life. To conclude, in the section called "In search of the spiritual dimension of life and of the world”, the author makes a few suggestions on how to go about it, based on the writings of St Maximus the Confessor in his "Quaestiones ad Thalassium".