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  1. Творение и преображение : Creation and transfiguration
    Author: Туровцев Тимур
  2. Religion, Modernity, Postmodernity - Bucharest: Trinitas, 2013.
  3. Христианство и наука. Сборник докладов конференции. XIV Международные Рождественские образовательные чтения : Christianity and science
    Author: Захаров Михаил, протоиерей
  4. Religion, Modernity, Postmodernity - Bucharest: Trinitas, 2013.
  5. Meaningful chats. Interviews published in "Ziarul Lumina" of the Romanian Patriarchate - Bucharest: Trinitas, 2014.
  6. The Place of the Other - Orthodoxy in Modern times. - Bucharest: Paideia, 2007.
  7. You are what you live: Some recent data from neurosciences and the spiritual experiences of Philocalia - Bucharest: Trinitas, 2017.
  8. Faith and culture today. Dialogues on Trinitas TV. - Bucharest: Trinitas, 2015.
  9. The Light of the Unseen - Bucharest: Basilica, 2016.
  10. The Light of the Unseen Vol II - Bucharest: Basilica, 2016.
  11. Postmodernism and apophatic theology - Floresti, Cluj: Limes, 2014.
  12. Science and Faith Together towards the Truth - Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, 2007.
  13. Homeopathy. Science? Faith? Medicine? Magic? - Bucharest: Evanghelismos, 2014.
  14. Theology and bioethics - Galati: Cartea Ortodoxa, 2017.
  15. I feel illness as love of Christ - Iasi: Doxologia, 2017.
  16. Psychology in the Scriptures - Bucharest: Christiana, 2012.
  17. The Christian Hospital. Introduction to pastoral medicine. - Bucharest: Christiana, 2009.
  18. In search of a Christian psychoanalysis - Bucharest: Playtera, 2014.
  19. Recipes of hesychast medicine for those who are seriously ill - Bucharest: Playtera, 2016.
  20. Dictionar de teologie ortodoxa si stiinta - Iasi: Doxologia, 2016.
  21. Patristic references in the dialogue between theology and science - Bucharest: Basilica, 2009.
  22. Orthodox theology and science - Bucharest: Institutul Biblic si de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, 2006.
  23. Orthodox theology and science: Conflict, Indifference, Integration or Dialogue? - Iasi: Doxologia, 2015.
  24. Магия мозга и лабиринты жизни : Magic of the brain and a maze of life
    Author: Бехтерева Наталья
  25. Православное мировоззрение и современное естествознание. Уроки креационной науки в старших классах средней школы : Orthodox worldview and modern science. Creation science lessons in high school
    Author: Алферов Тимофей, священник
  26. Природоведение. Учебник естествознания для младших классов православных гимназий и воскресных школ. : Nature Studies. Textbook of natural sciences for elementary grades of Orthodox gymnasiums and Sunday schools.
    Author: Алферов Тимофей, священник
  27. The science on the world creation. Orthodox view. A guide for students : Наука о сотворении мира. Православный взгляд. Пособие для для учащихся
    Author: Алферов Тимофей, священник
  28. Две космогонии. Эволюционная теория в свете святоотеческого учения и аргументов креационной науки
    Author: Алферов Тимофей, священник
  29. Is evolutionism supported by scientific evidence? - Bacau: Corgal Press, 2014.
  30. Being as communion : Studies in personhood and the church
    Author: Zizioulas, (Metropolitan) John