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  1. Ο ανθρωπισμός της εκκοσμίκευσης : Θεός, άνθρωπος και κόσμος στον Καρλ Φρήντριχ Βαϊτσαίκερ - Athens: Grigoris Publications, 2012.
    Author: Begzos, Marios
  2. Scientific Justification of Religion - Belgrade: Faculty of Orthodox Theology, 2002.
    Author: Milin, Lazar
  3. Синтез двух систем познания академика Раушенбаха. : Synthesis of the two cognition systems by academician Rauschebach
    Author: Rauschenbach Boris
  4. Η Γη και το Σύμπαν. Ελληνική επιστήμη και χριστιανικές ερμηνείες (The Earth and the Universe. Greek science and christian interpretations) - Athens: Goulandris-Chorn Foundation, 1996.
    Author: Angelidi, Christine
  5. Religion and nationalism. Ideas about religion in the interwar period in Bulgaria. - Sofia: Faber, 2006.
    Author: Димитрова, Нина
  6. Patristics in the Mirror of Hermeneutics - Belgrade: Otačnik, 2011.
    Author: Jevremovic, Petar
  7. Ορθοδοξία και φυσικές επιστήμες (Orthodoxy and natural sciences)
    Author: Metallinos, (Protopresbyter) Georgios
  8. Еволюция или сътворение. Какво казва науката (Evolution or creation. What the science says) - Sofia: Slunce, 2006.
    Author: Свиленов, Дечко
  9. Живот след смъртта: Какво казват науката, религиите и Библията? - Sofia 2014.
    Author: Свиленов, Дечко
  10. Православие и икуменизъм. Защо не сме и защо не можем да бъдем икуменисти? - Sofia: Българска Старостилна Православна Църква, 1998.
    Author: Алексиев, Серафим. Архимандрит, Язаджиев, Сергей
  11. Church and Globalization : Structure, Relations and Consequences 130–133, Man, Technology and Runaway World - Belgrade: Neanika, 2009.
    Author: Subotic, Oliver
  12. From Physics to God : Close Encounters of Physics and Metaphysics - Belgrade: Sluzbeni list SRJ, 1996.
    Author: Malnik, Ljubo
  13. The World of Serbian Manuscripts (12th–17th Century) - Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Cultural organization), 2016.
    Author: Rakic, Zoran, Spadijer, Irena
  14. Caregivers as Confessors & Healers. Proceedings from the Annual National Conference of the Orthdodx Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion. Nov. 5-7, 2015. Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. - Wichita, Kansas: Eight Day Institute, 2016.
    Author: Τhermos, (Protopresbyter) Vasileios
  15. Η θεολογική γνωσιολογία στον Πατέρα Σωφρόνιο Σαχάρωφ
    Author: Dahdal, Arsenios (Adnan)
  16. Orthodox Psychotherapy. The Science of the Fathers : Orthodox Psychotherapy. The Science of the Fathers - Livadeia, Greece: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery Press, 2005.
    Author: Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos and St Vlassios
  17. Θεολογία, Θεοπτία και Θέωση: Από τον Συμεών τον Νέο Θεολόγο στον Άγιο Γρηγόριο Παλαμά - Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Theology, School of Theology, 2009.
    Author: Chivu, Cristian Emil
  18. Праздные мысли: Очерки. Статьи. Воспоминания : Idle Thoughts: Essays. Articles. Memories.
    Author: Rauschenbach Boris
  19. О нашем поражении. : Considering our fail.
    Author: Кураев Андрей диакон
  20. Раннее христианство и переселение душ : Early Christianity and transmigration of souls.
    Author: Кураев Андрей диакон
  21. Православное учение о Сотворении и теория эволюции : Orthodox doctrine of Creation and the evolution theory
    Author: Буфеев Константин, протоиерей
  22. Сотворенная природа глазами биологов. : The created nature, as biologists see it.
    Author: Жданова Татьяна
  23. Философско-религиозные истоки науки : Philosophical and Religious Origins of Science
    Author: Гайденко Пиама
  24. Христианство. Культура. Наука. : Christianity. Culture. Science.
    Author: Katasonov, Vladimir
  25. Naming Infinity : A true story of religious mysticism and mathematical creativity
    Author: Graham, Loren, Kantor, Jean-Michel
  26. Οι επιπτώσεις της οικολογικής κρίσης στο ανθρώπινο πρόσωπο - Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Theology, School of Theology, 1999.
    Author: Arvanites, Christophoros E.
  27. Τό μυστήριο τῆς 8ης ἡμέρας: Ὀρθόδοξη Χριστιανική Ἐσχατολογία - Athens: Apostoliki Diakonia of the Church of Greece, 2015.
    Author: Stylios, Euthymios K.
  28. Ἐσχατολογία καί ἑτερότητα: Ἡ διασταύρωση δύο ἀσύμβατων ὁριζόντων (Θεολογικό δοκίμιο) - Athens: Grigoris Publications, 2005.
    Author: Ventis, Haralambos
  29. Κολλυβάδικα: Ἅγιος Νικόδημος Ἁγιορείτης, Ἅγιος Ἀθανάσιος Πάριος - Thessaloniki: “Vryennios” Publications, 2004.
    Author: Zisis, Theodoros
  30. Православието и комунизмът в България, 1944 – 1960 - Sofia: Просвета, 2004.
    Author: Чурешки, Стефан