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Found 1183 results (contain 1125 manifestations ) , total pages 40.
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List of search results:
  1. Ярушникова Оксана. The Social Doctrine of Christianity: Religious Analysis of Catholic and Orthodox Doctrines
  2. Цонева, Пенка. Развитие на връзката Българска православна църква - българско образование 865-1989
  3. Церпицкая Ольга. Orthodox spiritual mission in the context of global modernization processes
  4. Овчарова Анжелика. Christian Identity of the Russian Political Authority: Philosophical and Anthropological Analysis
  5. Тришин Алексей. Orthodoxy in the spiritual life of Russian society: Socio-philosophical analysis
  6. Коноваленко Светлана. Philosophical and cultural analysis of the phenomenon of holiness and the image of the Russian saint in popular Orthodoxy
  7. Свистунов Михаил. Russian civilization and Orthodoxy: the dialectics of their relationship and development prospects
  8. Канайкина Екатерина. Ethical and philosophical analysis of the moral systems of Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism
  9. Назърска, Жоржета. Методика на обучението по религия във висшите светски училища
  10. Николаев Эдуард. Orthodoxy as a factor in the formation of spiritual and moral foundations of the individual
  11. Воденко Константин. Religion and science in European culture: the dynamics of the ratio of cognitive practices
  12. Радецкая Анна. Ecumenism and anti-ecumenism in modern Orthodoxy
  13. Николаева Оксана. Ethnic and sociocultural identity of Russian Orthodoxy
  14. Митрофанова Анастасия. Religious factor in world politics: the example of Orthodoxy
  15. Кузнецова Ирина. Spiritual and moral values of Orthodoxy as a factor in the family upbringing of children
  16. Назърска, Жоржета. Религиозното образование в българските светски университети: актуално състояние и перспективи
  17. Гревцова Людмила. The intersubject nature of creativity in science, philosophy and religion
  18. Кожухаров, Валентин. Православното образование в дидактическа светлина : Теория и практика на съвременното училищно православно образование
  19. Петрунин Владимир. Political Hesychasm and its Traditions in the Foundations of the Social Concept of Russian Orthodox Church
  20. Синелина Юлия. The cyclical nature of the secularization process in Russia (sociological analysis: the end of the XVII-beginning of the XXI century)
  21. Медведева Наталья. Formation of value orientations among students of educational institutions of primary vocational education by means of Orthodox education
  22. Фолиева Татьяна. Russian Orthodox Church and Islamic Organizations in Modern Russia: An Experience of Comparative Analysis of Social Doctrines
  23. Стульцев Андрей. Onomatodoxy: philosophical and methodological explication in the teachings of A.F. Losev
  24. Трегубенко Сергей. Religious foundations of the legal tradition of Russia: Historical and theoretical legal aspects
  25. Низова Анна. The problem of death in bioethics and Orthodox tradition
  26. Кожухаров, Валентин. Религиозното образование в европейската училищна система днес
  27. Риболов, Светослав. Догматика и патрология в системата на богословските дисциплини – методология и предизвикателства
  28. Jeftic, Andrej. Cognitive Apartheid: Inevitability or Solvable Problem?. 138–143
  29. Христов, Иван. Византийското богословие през XIV в. : дискурсът за Божествените енергии
  30. Petrovic, Aleksandar. Beyond the Ruling Image of the World