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Found 1183 results (contain 1125 manifestations ) , total pages 40.
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List of search results:
  1. Kυριαζής, Δημήτρης. Prolegomena to a Soul-therapy
  2. Τhermos, (Protopresbyter) Vasileios. Towards a theological understanding of the psychopathology and the therapy
  3. Кирилличева Галина Б. Metropolitan Seraphim’s medical heritage and modern concept of immunomodulatory action
  4. Saprykina Anna. Key pedagogical concepts in St. John Chrysostom’s heritage.
  5. Колягин Юрий М. The path of scientist and Christian
  6. Войно-Ясенецкий Лука, Архиепископ. Spirit. Soul. Body.
  7. Costache, Doru. The vision of orthodox theology on the controversy creationism-evolutionism: elements for a discourse on the method
  8. Ica, Ioan. Theonomic cosmology – A perspective on Christian cosmology
  9. Apetrei, Ciprian Florin. Father Dumitru Stăniloae’s theology of creation and the modern cosmological perspectives
  10. Larchet, Jean-Claude. The spiritual Unconscious
  11. Keppa, Magdalene. Επιστήμη και θρησκεία στον ελληνόφωνο χώρο τον 18ο αι. Η θεολογική ερμηνεία της νέας φυσικής (Science and religion in the Greek speaking area during the 18th c. The theological reading of new physics )
  12. Papandreou Athena. Διάλογος επιστήμης και θρησκείας στην Ελλάδα στο δεύτερο μισό του 20ού αιώνα: η επίδραση στην εκπαίδευση και διδασκαλία των φυσικών επιστημών (Dialogue between Science and Religion in Greece at the second half of the 20th century: the impact on education and teaching of Natural Sciences)
  13. Ionescu, Razvan Andrei. The question of Meaning. Between the anthropic principle and Orthodox Teleology
  14. Raduca, Vasile. Bioethics, family and Christian morality
  15. Ionescu, Razvan Andrei. Bioethics and Theology. Should we talk about Orthodox Christian bioethics?
  16. Большанин, Андрей. Освоение космоса
  17. Дудко, Михаил. Священник Михаил Дудко о религиозной оценке освоения космоса
  18. Редакция интернет-сайта Наука и Oбразование. Физики и клирики встретились на Платоновском семинаре
  19. Bitsakis, Eftyhis. Από την πυρά στον άμβωνα (From fire to the pulpit)
  20. Raduca, Vasile. Organ transplantation
  21. Raduca, Vasile. The care of the Church towards the environment
  22. Vlahakis,George. Πρώιμη κριτική ελληνικών χριστιανικών κύκλων στη σύγχρονη επιστήμη (Early critics by Greek orthodox Christian circles on science)
  23. Raduca, Vasile. The Papiloma virus and the religious education in our schools
  24. Raduca, Vasile. The presumed consent: a road to manslaughter
  25. Raduca, Vasile. Is Church against transplantation?
  26. Γραμματικάκης, Γιώργος. The emergence of Christian light.The perennial light of Orthodoxy.The convergence of luminous Parallels
  27. Paunoiu, Augustin. Orthodox Psychotherapy is the healing of the soul through the soul
  28. Λουδοβίκος, (Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος) Νικόλαος. Psychoanalysis and Orthodox theology. On Desire, Catholicity and Eschatology
  29. Мацан, Константин. Почему вы стали православным священником?
  30. Рожнёва, Ольга. Михаил ван Општалл, профессор математики и священник