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  1. Василик, Владимир. Был первым в космосе Гагарин.Каким по счету будешь ты? По словам диакона Владимира Василика, полет Гагарина в космос был чудом и подвигом …
  2. Климик Иван. Anthropic principle in the universe: an attempt of Orthodox comprehension
  3. Климик Иван. Church Tradition on the problem of human fetus "animation"
  4. Климик Иван. Patristic concept of human eidos
  5. Кожев Александр. Christian roots of modern science
  6. Курашов Владимир. Creationism and evolutionism. Methodological analysis of confrontation. Is man commensurate to God or monkey?
  7. Курашов Владимир. The history and logic of relationship between science, philosophy and theology
  8. Леонтьев Константин. Numeral harmony of Adam's ancestry
  9. Таланцев Дмитрий. Science testifies about God
  10. Шугаев Михаил. What we know about the Universe
  11. Хунджуа Андрей Георгиевич. This fragile universe
  12. Сысоев Даниил, иерей. Science as a form of religious thought and its relationship with the God revelation
  13. Филипов, Александър. Трябва ли все още да се изучава дарвинизмът в училищата и университетите?
  14. Чипев, Константин. Научният креационизъм и има ли той почва у нас
  15. Демидов Сергей. The Moscow University Professor Dmitry Fedorovich Egorov and onomatodoxy in Russia at the XX century first third
  16. Мартынов Владимир. On the double sense of hook notation
  17. Роднянская Ирина. Several philosophical notes to the modern version of "Orthodox energitism"
  18. Паршин Алексей. Light and Word
  19. Шугаев Михаил. God's world in physicist' eyes
  20. Шугаев Михаил. World origin: quantum fluctuation or the Word of God
  21. Колчуринский Николай. Anthropic principle and Orthodox worldview
  22. Шугаев Михаил. The Holy Fire: the source is transcendental
  23. Шугаев Михаил. Miracles in nature. Theory and practice
  24. Шугаев Михаил. Creation evidences in scientific knowledge
  25. Шугаев Михаил. Thermal motion: chaos and information
  26. Козырев Алексей. Russian philosophy searching antropology of consubstantiality
  27. Тайнов Эдуард. Transcendental. An essay of Orthodox metaphysics
  28. Козырев Алексей. Singing heart of the Russian philosopher
  29. Хоменков Александр. Harmony of the living nature and the problem of world origin
  30. Морозова Елена. The Anthropic Principle in the Universe