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  1. Subotic, Oliver. Principle Aspects of the Information Security
  2. Виноградов, Леонид. Интервью со священником Андреем Лоргусом: “Большинство задач социального служения без психологии не решить”
  3. Subotic, Oliver. Informationally Controlled Society
  4. Popescu, Dumitru. Orthodoxy and technology
  5. Aὐγουστίδης, (Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος) Ἀδαμάντιος. Theology and Psychology: convergences and divergences
  6. Ristic, Ivan. Faith and Science
  7. Zlatic, Bogdan. Without City and the Law
  8. Argatu, Calinic. Church and science
  9. Jevremovic, Petar. Modern Psychoanalysis and the Patristic heritage
  10. Nistea, Iulian. Orthodoxy and science. Two theories on the origin of human's species
  11. Γιανναράς, Χρήστος. Psychoanalysis and Orthodox anthropology
  12. Hulpoi, Nicolae. Meeting theology meant unexpectedly getting up from pain
  13. Mihalache, Sorin. Does the Big-Bang theory contradict the orthodox dogmas?
  14. Stavinschi, Magda. The new representation of the world vol.4
  15. Nicolescu, Basarab. Traditional milestones for a comprehensive dialogue necessary for the dialogue between science and theology: the Chalcedonian dogma
  16. Deligiannis, Dimitris. Το περιοδικό "Ελληνοχριστιανική Αγωγή" και η εκπαιδευτική μεταρρύθμιση του 1964 (The review "Greek-Christiian Education" and the reform of education in 1964)
  17. Ionescu, Razvan Andrei. Autonomous reason and spiritual reason: the encounter with reality
  18. Godeanu, Victor. About a possible method of bioethics: The patristic model and personal accountability
  19. Charitos, Charalampos. Τα «αθεϊκά» του Βόλου και η δίκη του Ναυπλίου (Τhe “atheists” of Volos and the trial in Nafplion)
  20. Stavinschi, Magda. A new representation of the world. Inter and transdisciplinary studies vol 5
  21. Memelis, Gabriel. Reflections on the potential for a dialogue between theology and sciences
  22. Хомутский, Виктор. Русская православная церковь и наука
  23. Milosevic, Radomir. The Problem of Church’s Calendar in the Light of Work of Milutin Milankovic. 141−152
  24. Корзун, Валерий Григорьевич. Митрополит Иларион: В космическом пространстве человек глубже соприкасается с красотой мирозданья
  25. Варнин, Владимир. Православные храмы на Марсе?
  26. Иваненков Василий. Inadequacy of the theistic evolution and young earth creationism models: what are the reasons? Part 1: Contradictions between theistic evolution theory and the "two books"
  27. Kourouzidis, Sakis. The reception of Theory of Evolution in Greece
  28. Riginiotis, Theodore I. Επιστήμη και θρησκεία (Science and religion)
  29. Constantoudis, Vasileios. Επιστήμη και θρησκεία: από τις θεωρίες και τα δόγματα στον άνθρωπο (Science and religion: from the theories and dogmas to man)
  30. Архиепископ Нафанаил. О путешествии в космосе: По поводу одного письма из Советского Союза