Evolution or creation

  1. Lemma
  2. Еволюция или сътворение
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 3-5-2015
  7. Svilenov, D. [Author]. Evolution or creation
  8. Православен Свят (Pravoslaven Sviat)
  9. Evolution - Creationism
  10. Click Here
    1. The item seeks to refute evolutionary explanations about the origin of life, mainly on the basis of arguments from the natural sciences. The text of prof. D. Svilenov, PhD in biology, first presented an outline of the “evolutionary theory”, according to which life is a self-organizing and self-replicating biological phenomenon that has arisen by chance from the non-living matter. Then the author gave a brief outline of the “Biblical doctrine of Creation” that speaks about the existence of Creator, summing up that these two views are completely opposite to each other. The model that should be justified is the one that is confirmed by the science and centuries of human experience, according to Svilenov.

      The author pointed out that the consensus in the biological science is that the accidental occurrence of life is impossible. Even a single gen has such a complex system that the mathematical chance for its random creation is well beyond the limit of the impossible, which is admitted by some supporters of the evolutionist theory.

      In nature there are systems whose structure and function are not subject to simplification because the removal of a single element will render the life of the entire system impossible and such systems are the eyes, brains and even the base biological cell. Such systems are an indication of the thriftiness and the ingenuity of Creation. The division of the cell is a “wonder”, a complex pre-programmed process demanding a “huge intellectual investments”, which cannot be explained with an accidental creation by nature, according to the author. Moreover, the functional synchronization between the various structural parts of a biological system (examples are given of the systems of the human body) cannot be explained by the evolutionary principle of randomness.