History between time end eternity
- Lemma
- Историята между времето и вечността
- Bulgarian
- Nachev, Ivaylo
- Culture and national identities
- 26-9-2014
- Hierodeacon Atanasii Zografski [Author]. History between time end eternity
- Православен Свят (Pravoslaven Sviat)
- Paisius of Hilendar
- 2016/12/12
Elaborating on some aspects of the Christian view of the national and world history, the author of the article drew the attention to Istoriya Slavyanobolgarskaya (Slavo-Bulgarian History), which is considered one of the key documents and pillars of the Bulgarian revival. Hierodeacon Atanasii Zografski, currently librarian of the Zograf Monastery, analyzed it from a Church point of view, which in his opinion diverges in some aspects from the secular historiography interpretation.
According to Atanasii Zografski, in the work of monk Paisius of Hilendar exist two parallel lines – that of the national worldview on one side and the universal and eternal one of the Christian Church on the other side. In his opinion the national history is a time-limited phenomenon which is not the highest expression of the human history. However, this early historical text has been predominantly interpreted as a program of the national revival at the expense of the universal Christian understanding of the past, which is seen as its most essential aspect. The book, inspired by love of the own land and people, includes the political history of glorious rulers, but it incorporates as well the Christian view of time from the perspective of eternity, represented by the shorter but more important part about the life of the saints