Religiosity and psychic health

  1. Lemma
  2. Религиозность и психическое здоровье
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis
  6. 2008
  7. Кондратьев Федор [Author]. Religiosity meaning for psychic health
  8. Тульский информационно-консультативный центр по вопросам сектанства
  9. Frankl Viktor - psychiatry and Christianity
    1. The work deals with the meaning of religiosity for the psychical health of both healthy and mentally disordered people. The author builds his research on traditional view of Christian anthropology considering man as God’s creature and a unity of somatic, psychic and spiritual factors.

      This Apostolic statement has had an efficient development in modern psychology, particularly in V. Frankl’s interpretation. He finds three levels of human entity with their own dimensions. Biological level describes man as a biological being with suitable structural and functional formations; psychological level is psychic “as an instrument to initiate and manage the behavior ready to satisfy the needs, both organism biological needs and individual social requirements”; and the highest level managing concepts of sense, ethics, spirituality which is a noetic level. All these levels correlate and cooperate so that disorder on one of the levels leads to violations on the other levels, according to V.Frankl.

      However, when disorder of superior spiritual and moral level is caused by its inner dimensions, we cannot speak of medical sickness, because the concept of “medical sickness” could be applied only to the lower levels (only something having organismiс base of functioning can be sick). Disorder of psychic health on the personal superior level is a spiritual disorder caused by moral discord or spiritual conflict.

      Psychic and psychological disorders are disorders of the medium “psychic” level. According to the World Health Organization data, psychical disorders steadily long to lead among all the other forms of diseases. The top are depressions.

      Violations of the medium level could be accompanied or not accompanied with spiritual disorders. However, the author believes the spiritual health, noetic state of patient and particularly his/her religiosity to be an essential factor affecting the disease character and aftereffects and also forecast. The practice displays that recover on the superior level, retrieval of the sense of being for patient respectively leads to normalization on the lower levels – psychological and physical.