The religious symbol in the psychological theory of Carl G. Jung

  1. Lemma
  2. Религиозният символ в психологичната теория на Карл Г. Юнг
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis
  6. 2004
  7. Иванова, Мария [Author]. The religious symbol in the psychological theory of Carl G. Jung
  8. Богословска Мисъл
  9. Jung, Carl
    1. The article examined some of the ideas of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung related to the religious life and provided their critical analysis from an Orthodox point of view. The author argued that Jung had a negative view on some Christian practices (mostly concerning the Protestant Church) but at the same time regarded religion as an important psychological experience which is often expressed through symbols. There were highlighted a number of similarities between the Christianity and Jung’s learning. Just as the Christianity Jung’s analytical psychology tries to find a deeper understanding of the human soul. The author noted as another positive side the attention to imagination which leads to dimensions where human and divine energies intermingle. Another aspect is the understanding for the dynamic of life that demands change. In the Orthodox Christianity, however, this dynamic is aimed at overcoming the individual and bringing peoples closer to God, while Jung puts the focus on the inner development. The Orthodox interpretation goes beyond the individual limits, expands the inner horizon and stimulates movement towards higher spiritual spheres. The author concluded that Jung’s theory could be of significance to the Orthodox theology with its emphasis on the religious mystical and symbolic life in the individual human development.