Round Table on machines and humans

  1. Lemma
  2. Okrugli sto o masinama i ljudima
  3. Serbian
  4. Stevanovic, Aleksandra
  5. Orthodox view on technology and engineering
  6. 30-11-2016
  7. Subotic, Oliver [Author]. Will (and Can) Machines Replace Humans?
    1. Subotic, Oliver
  8. technology
  9. 29/11/2016
    1. The paper by deacon Oliver Subotic is presented at the round table "The Brain on the Chip – Will Machines Eradicate Humans?" at Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) regarding the book "The Brain on the Chip" by journalist Stanko Stojiljkovic.

      The standpoint of deacon Subotic opens a very important and common question – will (and can) machines replace humans? According to the author, for those with materialistic standpoint, the answer is positive since in that sense humans represent only bodily, materialistic component, closed system where distinct chemical and physical processes take place. On the other hand, if theistic and similar views are accepted, and spirituality is included, it would be realized that humans cannot be substituted by machines. Spiritual component is unlimited so it cannot be put into confined categories of materialistic frame. The author perceives the idea of futurist Ian Pearson that in the next thirty years death would be conquered by conveying the brain content into the computer memory as rationalistic premises that do not differ from those established by Rene Descartes centuries before when he established brain as the center of human being. Therefore, it leans onto materialistic perspective. 

      It cannot be denied that technology helps humans remove some material barriers and enhances their capacities, which is not harmful except when it evokes some ethical dilemmas. Some of the ethical questions are to what extent would technology repress humans and how much it would impact social relations or whether it would cause some human traits transformation. The author then mentions some of the perspectives on technology but concludes that critical thought towards technology implementation has to be preserved if technology undermines principles of civilization.

      The author finally deduces that machines cannot replace humans, regardless of the rate of their development. Human spirituality cannot be confined to any limitation. On the other hand, the extent to which technology would destroy human relations would depend on the level of critical thought towards its progress. That critical thought, according to the author, should be fostered by the members of academic institutions on one side, and people from Church on the other side.