Theology and Bioethics, Theory of Evolution and Genetic Research

  1. Lemma
  2. Teologija i bioetika, teorija evolicije i genetska istrazivanja
  3. Serbian
  4. Stevanovic, Aleksandra
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution - Modes of interaction
  6. 31-01-2019
  7. Djakovac, Aleksandar [Author]. Theology and Bioethics: Some Insights on the Theory of Evolution and Contemporary Genetic Research. 197-213
  8. Faith, Knowledge, Peace
    1. Christian Cultural Center
  9. Griniezakes, Makarios [Author]. Bioethics and Theology
    1. Genetics poses a challenge to theology to perceive and contemplate its latest accomplishments. The author acknowledges that sometimes the Church refrains from interfering and open discussion, keeping theology within its dogmatic scope of comprehension. However, theology needs to be open for contemporary themes and ready to discuss them.

      The author further states that Orthodox theology never tried to impose the Bible as an authoritative source on the origin of life. The Bible is aimed at the comprehension of the existential sense of life.

      The author perceives that what makes us humans different is not genetics, nor ratio. Rather, it is Personhood that interacts with others and God and constitutes itself through that relationship. Therefore, generic engineering would hinder this interaction; the man would lose the possibility of Personhood since the other and his own nature would be altered. The author adds that in the theory of evolution, the thesis that life has one source is not contradictory to Christian doctrine. Quite the opposite. Theology sees life as a unique phenomenon and acknowledges the close relationship between man and his surroundings.

      The author finally concludes that contemporary genetic research in fact contributes much to theology. It is a great challenge to theological perception, but it provides a plethora of possibilities. In that sense, the dialogue between theology and science is not only qualitative, but essential.