„Day one, day eight and the day-without-evening“ in the Doctrines of the Byzantine Fathers (4th– 8th Centuries)

  1. Lemma
  2. „Ден първи, ден осми и ден невечерен“ в доктрините на византийските отци (ІV–VІІІ в.)
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Patristic studies
  6. 31-1-2019
  7. Янакиев, Калин [Author]. „Ден първи, ден осми и ден невечерен“ в доктрините на византийските отци (ІV–VІІІ в.)
  8. Архив за средновековна философия и култура
  9. eschatology - Saint Basil the Great - Saint John of Damascus - Saint Gregory of Nazianzus - Eternity
    1. <p>Калин Янакиев. „Ден първи, ден осми и ден невечерен“ в доктрините на византийските отци (ІV–VІІІ в.). :В-Архив за средновековна философия и култура 2017/23, 81-99.</p>
    1. The article discuses ideas on eschatology and eternity of early Church Fathers (from the period between 4th and 8th century). Elaborating on the theology of Saint Basil the Great, John of Damascus and Gregory of Nazianzus, the author looked at the theological meaning of the two "aeons” and the concept of the coming of the "future aeon” into the circle of the "aeon of this world”. The text also analysed the use of "one day” and the "seven days” of the week. It is the eschatological event of Christ’s Resurrection and the accomplishment of the "aeon to come” in the circle of "this aeon” which gives ground to the doctrine of the "eighth day”, according to the Church Fathers. The “eight day” is also the "first day” of the healed Creation and the "day-without-evening”. Yanakiev argued that this doctrine laid the foundations of the Church perception of time.