Religion of Reason (Biblical Foundations for the Relationship between Faith and Reason)

  1. Lemma
  2. Религията на Разума (Библейски основи за отношението между вяра и разум)
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Complementarity
  6. 30-1-2019
  7. Ваташки, Атанас [Author]. Религията на Разума (Библейски основи за отношението между вяра и разум)
  8. Задругата
  9. faith and reason - faith and knowledge - Saint Gregory Palamas
  10. Click Here
    1. The article argues that in the Christian thought there is no antagonism between faith and reason in contrast to the secular insistences that they are in biter conflict. This is exemplified by the frequent use of notions such as reason, wisdom and truth in the Bible (analyzed is also the frequency of appearance of words related with faith and reason in different parts). The Eastern Orthodox tradition insists that it is unthinkable that the one exists without the other which is seen in works of Saints Gregory Palamas and Basil the Great (in contrast with “western scholastic” Thomas Aquinas). Vatashki concludes that faith does not oppose reason and knowledge, adding that full understanding of their relations is possible only in the Church.