Dogmatics and Patrology in the System of the Theological Disciplines – Methodology and Challenges

  1. Lemma
  2. Догматика и патрология в системата на богословските дисциплини – методология и предизвикателства
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Patristic studies
  6. 25-1-2019
  7. Риболов, Светослав [Author]. Догматика и патрология в системата на богословските дисциплини – методология и предизвикателства
  8. Christianity and Culture
  9. Higher Education - patrology
    1. <p>Светослав Риболов. Догматика и патрология в системата на богословските дисциплини – методология и предизвикателства. – In: Християнсто и Култура, 2015, 9 (106), 71-76.</p>
    1. The article discusses in historical perspective the introduction on patrology (patristics) in Bulgarian theology. Ribolov examines the transfer of the discipline via Russia. He also elaborates on the teaching of the subject in Bulgarian theological academies in the 20th century. Based on his teaching experience, Ribolov comments on challenges the subject faces in the current situation. The author argues in favor on focusing on specific problems which give answers to specific questions. This will be in line with George Florovsky’s ideas for liberation of the Orthodox theology from scholastic captivity, according to Ribolov.