The problem of death in bioethics and Orthodox tradition

  1. Lemma
  2. Проблема смерти в биоэтике и Православной традиции
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Ethics
  6. 2007
  7. Низова Анна [Author]. The problem of death in bioethics and Orthodox tradition
  8. Проблема смерти в биоэтике и Православной традиции : The problem of death in bioethics and Orthodox tradition
  9. euthanasia
    1. The research revealed that at present, Orthodox bioethics has a significant influence on the process of forming a bioethical worldview. An analysis of the position of the Orthodox Church, shows that it has developed its attitude to many bioethical problems, for which there is no exact indication either in the Holy Scripture or in the Patristic Tradition, which determined the perspective of intra-Orthodox dialogue in solving some bioethical problems.

      It has been determined that the findings of modern tanatology on the existence of the NDE phenomenon, obtained through the development of resuscitation practice, complement religious concepts about “life after death” and form a special relationship to the problem of death, which is perceived not as a one-time act, but as a transition process. This process has a temporary length and consists of several subsequent stages, or phases, each of which has its own characteristics.

      The author believes that the “problem of death in bioethics”, defined as the transition process, has a pronounced ethical content.

      In the research, the author came to the conclusion that the Orthodox Church has its own special idea of death, it has retained a conservative attitude to all bioethical issues that are associated with dying and death. The only question that does not have an unequivocal relationship among Orthodox theologians is the question of the acceptability of the criterion of brain death. The findings of modern studies of the psychology of terminal patients coincide with the Orthodox understanding of dying and death (the concept of "death as a stage of growth").