Religious foundations of the legal tradition of Russia: Historical and theoretical legal aspects

  1. Lemma
  2. Религиозные основания правовой традиции России: Историко- и теоретико-правовой аспекты
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Culture and national identities
  6. 2005
  7. Трегубенко Сергей [Author]. Religious foundations of the legal tradition of Russia: Historical and theoretical legal aspects
  8. Религиозные основания правовой традиции России: Историко- и теоретико-правовой аспекты : Religious foundations of the legal tradition of Russia: Historical and theoretical legal aspects
  9. law
    1. The specificity of the legal tradition established in the process of socio-and polytogenesis of Russian people lies primarily in the perception of law as an integral regulatory system, which is based on harmoniously combined legal, moral and religious grounds. The law in Russia at all times carried in itself not so much a formal legal as an ethical and spiritual charge. The Russian understanding of legacy as a “truth” is fundamentally different from the Western understanding of legacy - the law, the rules. It is not by chance that the political and legal stereotypes of Western democracy copied and mechanically transferred to the “Russian soil” did not only lead to the “miraculous reincarnation” of Russia from the state of barracks socialism to a social legal state of the Western type, but in many respects caused the strengthening and deepening of social contradictions, growth criminalization of public relations and mass legal nihilism.

      In modern Russia, there is no single state ideology that determines the unification of a multinational and multi-confessional Russian society in the pursuit of self-preservation and the achievement of certain goals for future development. Such an ideology could be based on a complex idea of Russian state power, within the framework of which the concepts of a strong state and Orthodox culture would be logically combined.