Ethnic and sociocultural identity of Russian Orthodoxy

  1. Lemma
  2. Этническая и социокультурная самобытность русского православия
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Culture and national identities
  6. 2005
  7. Николаева Оксана [Author]. Ethnic and sociocultural identity of Russian Orthodoxy
  8. Этническая и социокультурная самобытность русского православия : Ethnic and sociocultural identity of Russian Orthodoxy
  9. folk religion
    1. In the research, Russian Orthodoxy is considered as a self-developing system. The main features of the ethnic and sociocultural identity of Russian Orthodoxy are determined and with their account the definition of the phenomenon “Russian Orthodoxy” is given. The author proves that Russian Orthodoxy was the basis of accelerating the ethnogenetic processes in the formation of the ancient Russian nation. The philosophical, cultural, religious and historical interpretations of dual faith are systematized and its meaningful place is defined among the features of the ethnic and sociocultural identity of Russian Orthodoxy. The author considers the duality of Russian religious idea as containing the antinomy of the “Holy Russia” ideal and the real hierarchical state of “Great Russia”.