Ecumenism and anti-ecumenism in modern Orthodoxy

  1. Lemma
  2. Экуменизм и антиэкуменизм в современном православии
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Ecumenism and dialogue > Ecumenism
  6. 2011
  7. Радецкая Анна [Author]. Ecumenism and anti-ecumenism in modern Orthodoxy
  8. Экуменизм и антиэкуменизм в современном православии : Ecumenism and anti-ecumenism in modern Orthodoxy
  9. Russian Orthodox Church - Catholic Church
    1. According to the author, the dispute between ecumenism and anti-ecumenism — in any religious tradition is primarily a conflict of ideologies between liberalism and traditionalism. To overcome this conflict becomes possible only at the local level. Analyzing the history of theological dialogues, the author is confident to say that the unification of Christian churches is not expected.

      Joining the Ecumenical movement enabled the Russian Orthodox Church to integrate into modern society and to take a fresh look at their Christian counterparts. At the same time, for the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as for other Orthodox churches, the Ecumenical movement turned from a hostile phenomenon into a space for missionary activity.

      However, the fact that the Russian Orthodoxy is characterized by a combination of ecumenical and anti-ecumenical attitudes, which are equally rooted in theology and Russian philosophy, is obvious.  In the author's opinion, it is possible to talk about a certain paradoxical mutual influence of ecumenical and anti-ecumenical sentiments in Orthodoxy. Anti-ecumenism even to some extent stimulates ecumenical contacts on the part of the Orthodox. On the one hand, participation in inter-Christian dialogue creates a positive image of Orthodoxy and enriches ecumenical theology. On the other hand, it makes it possible not only to follow, but also to manage changes in the ecumenical dialogue.