Orthodoxy as a factor in the formation of spiritual and moral foundations of the individual

  1. Lemma
  2. Православие как фактор формирования духовно-нравственных основ личности
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. 2003
  7. Николаев Эдуард [Author]. Orthodoxy as a factor in the formation of spiritual and moral foundations of the individual
  8. Православие как фактор формирования духовно-нравственных основ личности : Orthodoxy as a factor in the formation of the spiritual and moral foundations of the individual
  9. ethics
    1. http://www.dissercat.com/content/pravoslavie-kak-faktor-formirovaniya-dukhovno-nravstvennykh-osnov-lichnosti
    1. In modern Russian society, with hypertrophied imposition of liberal values, the tendency to attempt to change the spiritual and moral orientation is clearly indicated. Meanwhile, as the author of the present work tried to show, this attempt could be considered relevant, provided that the Western European principles and the forms of their realization really possess the quality of universality, i.e. they have absorbed all the best that has been achieved by human culture and our moral consciousness in history.

      It is obvious, however, that the elements of the Western culture we considered, as well as the state and legal institutions created by it, do not possess such features. In the author's opinion, some eclecticism, inconsistency and variability of the content of the basic legal and cultural concepts that are inherent in this culture are manifested. This assessment is largely relevant when we talk about the possibility of transplantation of Western ideals into other cultures, since, as we indicated at the beginning of work, this trend arises from the conviction that there are no alternatives to Western liberalism.

      It would not be an exaggeration to say that such a judgment is possible only when the history of the development of liberalism and the doctrine of a state of law provides us with clear evidence of the inexhaustibility of its content, evidence of its prospects, both socio-political and moral. Obviously, of course, that is not the case. As applied to the principle of individualism, Western social ideals consistently go from the stage of the deification of the individual to the stage of its complete leveling, which in the moral sphere is accompanied by a constant and widespread tendency to replace religious principles with arbitrary ideals of human morality, which indeed, in this understanding it receives a conditional, transient, i.e. dependent on historical and social conditions character.

      The author tried to explore the genesis of the relationship of religious and moral consciousness. On the example of the development of Western religious consciousness, he proved that seemingly minor changes in dogma lead to cardinal changes and a spiritual-moral ideal. In addition he came to the conclusion that religiosity is immanently inherent in man. Therefore, the process of secularization, initiated by Western culture and affecting the Russian spiritual consciousness, cannot lead to the extinction of religious consciousness, but only to a change in its form and content, which also entails a change in spiritual and moral orientation.