Philosophical and cultural analysis of the phenomenon of holiness and the image of the Russian saint in popular Orthodoxy
- Lemma
- Философско-культурологический анализ феномена святости и образа русского святого в народном православии
- Russian
- Saprykin, Dmitry
- Culture and national identities
- 2008
- Коноваленко Светлана [Author]. Philosophical and cultural analysis of the phenomenon of holiness and the image of the Russian saint in popular Orthodoxy
- Философско-культурологический анализ феномена святости и образа русского святого в народном православии
- folk religion
According to the author, in folk Orthodoxy, the image of the saint must be viewed in a single semantic field of values and interpretations of the pagan and Orthodox views on its nature and essence. It is known that these ideas were formed in the process of acculturation of Orthodox dogma by the stable world of Slavic paganism. The result was not a change in one another, but their peculiar symbiosis and the resulting notion of holiness cannot be perceived as a mechanical combination of Orthodox and popular beliefs, but as a specific phenomenon of dual faith.