Orthodoxy in the spiritual life of Russian society: Socio-philosophical analysis

  1. Lemma
  2. Православие в духовной жизни российского общества: Социально-философский анализ
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Culture and national identities
  6. 2003
  7. Тришин Алексей [Author]. Orthodoxy in the spiritual life of Russian society: Socio-philosophical analysis
  8. Православие в духовной жизни российского общества: Социально-философский анализ : Orthodoxy in the spiritual life of Russian society: Socio-philosophical analysis
  9. spirituality
    1. http://www.dissercat.com/content/pravoslavie-v-dukhovnoi-zhizni-rossiiskogo-obshchestva-sotsialno-filosofskii-analiz
    1. Orthodoxy at the author's point of view, contains many provisions that promote integration and consolidation of society. In particular, the Orthodox principle of conciliarity can become the basis of the interfaith and inter-ethnic dialogue of Slavs and Turks, Christians, on the one hand, and Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, etc., on the other. At the same time, Orthodoxy cannot be given the status of a nationwide ideology (ideology of state-owned construction), firstly, because it would contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, emphasizing the secular nature of the state and secondly, due to the shallow religiosity of the overwhelming majority who identify themselves as Orthodox believers and Russians.

      In order to fulfill its mission in society, the Russian Orthodox Church must engage in dialogue with all public forces that can contribute to the revival of humanistic values that society needs. Orthodoxy is only one of the ways to influence the world, along with other religions, politics, art and culture as a whole. Entering into a dialogue with other social institutions though, Russian Orthodoxy must preserve its individuality and integrity, its methods and the methods of changing and reorganizing the world.